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Conservation Commission Minutes 2010/07/07
Sunapee Conservation Commission Minutes Meeting Date July 7, 2010
Present: Van Webb, Tim Fleury, Robert Hill, Rem Mastin, Bruce Burdett, Roger Whitaker, Lela Emery
A Review of a hike that Tim, Rem, and Van had with Scott Blewitt, and Craig Henault on Ski Tow Hill to monitor the progress of the Recreation Committees projects. There should not be anymore cutting of trees. Question of financing and how much have they raised. The Rec Department reported that they had met their fundraising goal however SCC does not know if that includes any or all of the funds that SCC pledge. SCC is waiting for an accounting of the Playground Fundraising as SCC pledge to help with the playground only if there were a shortage of the goal to complete it. The amount at the date of the meeting was not to exceed $15,000. SCC members feel the process has broken down between concept and implementation; there is a lack of communication. We are uncertain of our involvement and role with this project. Van would contact Chippers to get an estimate on hazardous trees on the Ski Tow Hill property.

Field Stone Hills – Van and Rem met with Charlie Hirshberg and walked the property that will be deeded to the Town of Sunapee. The 35 foot right of way has been flagged and better defined with the corners set. The 35 foot strip is how the public can gain access to the 26 acre lot. The bank is near completion with the paperwork to turn over to the Town of Sunapee. The 35 foot right of way abuts the Webb Flint lot. There is better access to the parcel from Lot 5. SRK trail system could come through the lots with some rerouting.

Ledge Pond – Work is complete on Ledge Pond. Clayton Platt has met with the Dashners regarding lines. No confirmed plan has been brought to the SCC. SCC will look at their schedule regarding Town Forest designation on 3 parcels. Two public hearing will be required for the process and the select Board needs to vote. Beth from ASLPT will do the legal work and the description from Clayton Platts work. Regarding Dashners we need to agree to the line and then adjust the trail accordingly. Van will email Beth to find out a timeline for this project to get underway.

The Otter Pond Project is on hold. There has been a change in the decision to sell the property by one of the parties. Andy Deegan reported no activity on this parcel purchase in the near future.

Robert Hill made the motion to accept the minutes of the June 2010 meeting with the ASLPT name correction. Motion was seconded by Rem Mastin. All in favor 7, Opposed 0.

Mail: A letter from Watermark Marine Construction to DES regarding the Smith Property. Letter dated 5/13/2010. SCC no action required.

DES notification of approval for Chris Smith, 342 Bay Point Road, Sunapee, Tax/Map 146/52. Letter dated 5/21/2010. SCC no action required.